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"Educated Frogs"
A librarian was quietly working when three chickens walked in and jumped on to the counter eyed her and said "BUK BUK BUK" Not sure she was sane she gave the chikens three books and they left.
An hour later in walked the chickens again jumped onto the counter, returned the books they had taken earlier and said "BUK BUK BUK" Now convinced she was out of her mind she gave them three books, they took one each and left. This time she decided to follow them. She followed them down to the local pond and stood horrified as they threw the books into the water.
All of a sudden they flew back out of the pond and a frog stuck it's head up saying "RREDIT RREDIT RREDIT!" |
Definition of Wife
10, Jul 2004 |
Aids or Cancer?
12, Jun 2004 |
Rules For Women
31, May 2004 |
Chicken Little
05, Jul 2004 |
Rabbits Revenge
29, Jun 2004 |
31, May 2004 |
A Mothers Wisdom
12, Jun 2004 |
10 Rules For Dating My Daughter
21, Aug 2004 |
Parking Tickets Galore
12, Jun 2004 |
Strange But True
21, Aug 2004 |
Santas Gifts
12, Jun 2004 |
Electrical Blonde
31, May 2004 |
Talking Centipede
28, May 2004 |
Words To Live By
13, Jul 2004 |
HArd To Swallow
28, May 2004 |
Bush Is Saved
07, Aug 2004 |
The Farmers Ass
14, Aug 2004 |
The Pharmacist
26, Aug 2004 |
Who Do You Want To Speak To? (Office Signs)
12, Jun 2004 |
The Popes Driver
03, Sep 2004 |
The Truth
21, Jul 2004 |
Bunny Wabbits
02, Jun 2004 |
Blonde Dad
22, Jul 2004 |
blonde puzzle
28, Aug 2004 |
Leadership Philosophy
12, Jun 2004 |